Child Support LawsThe law firm of Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn is an excellent source of support for you if you have made the decision to seek a divorce from your spouse.  If you have children together, Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn have the depth of experience and expertise in matters of divorce to help you feel hopeful and capable of moving on with your life.  Even more important, Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn can help you and your parenting partner do what is in the best interests of your child or children, specifically as it relates to child support and child custody.

Most people agree that children deserve to be protected from the worst aspects of divorce—the fighting, the contempt, the disdain that can often be present between the members of a divorcing couple.  Children absorb a great deal of the negativity and stress that can be created in adult relationships, even when they do not have the intellectual capacity to understand it.  And lacking the psychological resiliency to respond to it, children absorb their parents’ negativity and create potentially harmful habits for dealing with conflict in their own lives.

Finding Common Ground During A Divorce

But a focused resource, such as that which is provided by Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, can reverse the negative effects of parental conflict on their children.  It should be noted that the laws pertaining to Child Support, specifically in Minnesota, but elsewhere as well, make no distinction between parents who are married and parents who are not.  As long as both parents are positively identified as the parents, the laws are written such that they can be held accountable for the ongoing financial support of the children.  In other words, children come first according to the law, regardless of the marital status of their parents.

And according to Minnesota law, there are three main areas of concern at which the courts will look when deciding on how child support payments will be paid.  They are:

  1. Basic support: which encompasses such things as the child’s housing, provision of food, clothing, school expenses, and transportation.
  2. Medical support: which covers general health, dental, and vision insurance costs; psychological care, co-payments, and prescriptions, among other medical-related issues.
  3. Child Care support: refers to the cost of caring for a child during the times when the responsible parents are unable to, such as when they are at work or in school themselves.

Understanding Child Support Laws MN

As stated before, most people will agree that children deserve to be taken care of.  But there are occasions when some parents resist taking responsibility for providing child support.  Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn can help you with any and all questions related to child support, from the simplest questions about procedure to the more complex and problematic questions when one parent simply does not want to live up to their responsibilities.  If you need help navigating your divorce, contact Lisa Kallemeyn of Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn (763-427-5131), who has been helping families for more than 20 years navigate the difficult waters of divorce, child support and child custody.