Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Neutral Divorce Mediation Services

Neutral Divorce Mediation ServicesWhen you think of calling a law firm for help settling a divorce, you may assume that your case will become a court battle. However, this is not necessarily the case. The legal team at Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn helps many couples settle all aspects of your divorce without a lengthy and costly court battle. Divorce mediation is a highly effective tool to settle issues including division of property, child and/or spousal support and child custody issues. Lisa Kallemeyn is a family law mediator and has devoted her entire legal career to family law. Read Full Post

Divorce Through The Childs’ Eyes

Divorce Lawyer MNThere is no denying how difficult divorce is for every single member of a family. Regardless of the root of the issues or the family dynamic at play, a divorce is one of the most painful life experiences for everyone involved. Children are impacted by divorce in unique and pervasive ways and may have difficult questions to ask, feelings to process, concerns to convey…
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