Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Prenuptial Agreement Attorney in Anoka County

Prenuptial Agreement Attorney in Anoka CountyThe legal team at Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn are experts in Family and Divorce Law. One important, but sometimes neglected and/or overlooked aspect of Family and Divorce Law is prenuptial agreements. Many people enter marriage with idealized hopes for a perfect relationship. But even the strongest relationships experience times of difficulty and turmoil, and when couples are struck by unexpected problems that lead to divorce, many regret not putting a prenuptial agreement in place prior to their marriage. We want you to know that you can maintain your idealized hopes for your marriage and also be prepared for the possibility of future difficulties in your relationship. Read Full Post

Property Division During Divorce

Post Divorce HelpThe decision to end a marriage is never an easy one. It can take months or sometimes years to come to the realization that the two of you may be better off separating than staying together. Divorce is fairly common in our society and is commonly regarded as one of the most stressful and emotional times in life. One important aspect of a divorce settlement is determining a fair and equitable division of property. The law firm of Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn can help you and your divorcing spouse navigate property division as well as the other important issues such as child custody and child support. Our team understands how difficult this time is and will use our legal knowledge and experience to find the best possible solution for you and your family. Read Full Post

Minnesota Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

Mnnesota prenuptial or postnuptial agreementWhen you get married, you can be caught up in such an enormous roller coaster of emotions, that it can be incredibly difficult to think practically. The thought of ever parting with one another is preposterous and an outrageous idea. Unfortunately, things do happen. Take Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, for example.
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Think You Don’t Make Enough for a Minnesota Prenup? Think Again!

Minnesota PrenupWhen you hear the term prenup, most people think of wealthy people that have incredibly lavish weddings and make a lot of money. Commonly, you hear about professional athletes, celebrities, doctor’s and other highly paid professionals signing a prenuptial agreement when they get married. Although prenups are popular for the wealthy, they can also be beneficial for couples that do not bring home a lot of money.
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Do You Have An Invalid Prenup In Minnesota?

Family Law Attorney Lisa KallemeynBefore they get married, some couples agree to a prenuptial agreement regarding specific issues like finances and property. Many people feel that this is a fair way to start a marriage. This way, if something goes wrong with the marriage and a divorce occurs, both parties involved are already at an agreement on how property and finances should be divided. This in turn tends to lower the amount of conflict during a divorce because some of the issues were resolved before the marriage even began. If you have a prenup, and you live in Minnesota, have you checked to see if it is valid? If you are not sure, your best bet is to reach out to Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, PLLC, experienced family law attorneys that take pride in ensuring that your prenup meets the legal requirements. Read More →