Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

The Best Way to Hold Title to Rental Property in Minnesota

The Best Way to Hold Title to Rental Property in MinnesotaIf you own a rental property in Minnesota and want to hold the title to that property, it is important to know that you have options.  Holding the title to any property—rental or otherwise—can be complicated and you may need legal support to ensure that your rights are protected.  The legal team at Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Law specializes in all types of real estate law and has a specific expertise in rental property. Rentsl Property concerns are title holding, as well as lease agreements and eviction notices and proccedings. Read Full Post

Real Estate Contract Attorney Anoka County

Real Estate Contract Attorney Anoka County | Real Estate Lawyer MNReal estate contracts are complicated and are often written in a way that most lay people do not understand. It is important for anyone without a background in real estate law to seek the assistance of a qualified real estate contract attorney to ensure that the contract(s) they are signing match the expectations and verbal terms of agreement. Charles Kallemeyn, of Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn PLLC, specializes in real estate law and can help protect your interests when it comes to real estate contracts.
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