Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Divorce Mediation in Coon Rapids MN

Minneapolis Divorce MediationWhen you and your spouse decide to get a divorce, it can be a life altering, whirlwind of a decision. Not only is it an emotional rollercoaster when making the decision to separate and divorce, it can be a frightening thought about what the future may hold. Using a divorce attorney to battle things out in the courtroom may work for some people, but at Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, we want to give you a better opportunity to take control of your own future.
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Real Estate Attorney

Real estate transactions are not an easy task. Leasing, purchasing or selling a residential or commercial property usually comes with a thirty page document that requires way too many signatures! This is one of the times in your life where you truly want to understand what you are signing off on. With the purchase of your home or office building being one of the biggest investments of your lifetime, it is very important that you know what you are getting yourself into! No matter what type of real estate transaction you are going through, the lawyers at Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, PLLC are here to assist you every step of the way.Read More →

Do You Have An Invalid Prenup In Minnesota?

Family Law Attorney Lisa KallemeynBefore they get married, some couples agree to a prenuptial agreement regarding specific issues like finances and property. Many people feel that this is a fair way to start a marriage. This way, if something goes wrong with the marriage and a divorce occurs, both parties involved are already at an agreement on how property and finances should be divided. This in turn tends to lower the amount of conflict during a divorce because some of the issues were resolved before the marriage even began. If you have a prenup, and you live in Minnesota, have you checked to see if it is valid? If you are not sure, your best bet is to reach out to Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, PLLC, experienced family law attorneys that take pride in ensuring that your prenup meets the legal requirements. Read More →