Hennepin County Divorce MediationDivorce is difficult no matter when it happens and no matter how ready you think you are. From the moment that you and your soon to be ex-partner decide to end the marriage, there is a significant shift in the dynamic of your family. While the end result may be the same, there is a lot of variation in how the process of the divorce can be handled. Mediation is a fast becoming a preferred method to handle divorce, being chosen over the more traditional court battle. There are many benefits to successful mediation that can help lay a strong foundation to move forward separately in a healthy way. Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn offers divorce mediation services as well as legal support in Hennepin County for your pending divorce. Our team is experienced, familiar with Minnesota law and can help you, your spouse, and your children navigate the divorce process with compassion and understanding.

Benefits Of Mediation Process

It is important to note that mediation is an entirely voluntary process. No one can force you to participate and you should proceed only if it is a tool you are comfortable using. Some of the many benefits of mediation services are:

  • Can be less expensive than going through the court system
  • Can provide you and your ex-spouse with a forum to come up with solutions for your family that are “outside of the box” and may not be options if you proceed through the court system.
  • Mediation is confidential with no public record of the details of the sessions.
  • You and your ex-spouse have more control over the tone, terms and outcomes via mediation.
  • Mediation can actually resolve conflict between the two parties which can set a more positive tone for future interactions after the divorce, especially if children are involved.
  • Mediation can cover all aspects of a divorce including spousal support, child custody issues and division of assets.
  • You and your ex-spouse can still use lawyers during the mediation process.

Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn: Family Law Mediation Services

Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn’s family law mediator is Lisa Kallemeyn, who is a Qualified Neutral under Rule 114 of the Minnesota Rules of Practice. She is an highly experienced and trained mediator and has worked with parties from the metro and many of its surrounding counties, including Hennepin County. If you would like to explore the option of mediation as an option for navigating your divorce, contact our office at 1-763-427-5131 for more information.