Is Divorce Mediation Right for Me?When most of us think of divorce, it is common to envision a courtroom with lawyers, a judge and two opposing parties. While some divorces are settled by traditional litigation, mediation is fast becoming a popular alternative that works for many divorcing couples. Divorce mediation has many benefits including costing less, taking less time, increased confidentiality and flexibility to find solutions that work best for your unique situation. You may wonder whether this option might be feasible for you and your divorcing spouse. Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn specializes in family law and actually offers both divorce mediation and legal support, depending on which path is a better fit for you. Here are some things to consider as you decide if divorce mediation is right for you:

  1. You ready to be engaged in the divorce process: Divorce mediation requires both parties to participate actively in the process. Your mediator must remain neutral and will facilitate a discussion about issues related to your divorce settlement including division of property, child custody and spousal/child support payments. You are the decider when it comes to these issues, so it is important that you understand that YOU are an active participate and your mediator’s job is to facilitate discussion not make decisions.
  2. You think you and your spouse are ready to compromise: Mediation is built on compromise, finding solutions that you and your soon to be ex-spouse can agree on when it comes to settling your divorce. Mediation can actually reduce conflict rather than escalate it.
  3. Do you want to settle your divorce without going to court: Mediation allows you to settle the important aspects of your case without hiring attorneys and going to court. This process can be less stressful in large part because it takes less time than litigation and costs less. This often translates to mediation being less emotionally taxing for families.

Experienced Divorce Mediator in MN

Mediation is not right for all divorce cases. Mediation is entirely voluntary so both you and your soon to be ex must agree to participate for it to work. We cannot force an individual to participate in the mediation process. Lisa Kallemeyn with Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn is both a family attorney and a divorce mediator. She cannot serve both functions for your case, but she can help you explore each option and decide which is best suited for you. For more information or to speak with a member of our team, call 763-427-5131.