Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Minnesota Attorney | Property & Debt Division

Minnesota Attorney | Property & Debt DivisionOne of the most difficult and complicated aspects of a divorce settlement is the fair and equitable division of joint property, assets and debts. Property & debt division requires a great attention to detail and the ability to prioritize and cooperate with your former spouse, if at all possible. As a general rule, Minnesota law requires that property, debt and assets are distributed equally (50/50). You should be aware, however, that there are instances when you may have a legal right to more than 50% of your property. Read Full Post

Divorce Mediation Services Child Custody MN

Divorce Mediation Services Child Custody MNGoing through the court system has gotten more and more difficult over the last several years in the Minnesota area.  Budget cuts have led to court cutbacks, meaning there are fewer judges to handle the same number (or more) court cases.  This leads to a backlog of cases and lengthy wait times to have your case heard.  Divorce mediation is an alternative way to settle your divorce that allows you to control the timing and to a greater extent, the outcome of your divorce settlement. Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn of Coon Rapids, MN specializes in divorce mediation and helping families settle such important issues as child custody, division of property and child/spousal support. Read Full Post