by Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn | Nov 11, 2019 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Mediator, Family Law & Divorce
If you are familiar with the mediation process, you probably know that you can settle important issues, including the terms of your divorce via mediation rather than going to court. This can be appealing to many couples who are looking for a way forward that takes less time and brings less of a financial impact. You may wonder, however, if your mediator can also finalize your divorce paperwork once the process is complete, or if that must be completed separately. Lisa Kallemeyn of Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, PLLC is both a divorce mediator and a divorce attorney and can provide support for you and your family from the beginning of the process to the very end. Read Full Post
by Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn | Oct 5, 2019 | Divorce Mediation
When most of us think of divorce, it is common to envision a courtroom with lawyers, a judge and two opposing parties. While some divorces are settled by traditional litigation, mediation is fast becoming a popular alternative that works for many divorcing couples. Divorce mediation has many benefits including costing less, taking less time, increased confidentiality and flexibility to find solutions that work best for your unique situation. You may wonder whether this option might be feasible for you and your divorcing spouse. Read Full Post
by Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn | Oct 15, 2018 | Divorce Mediation, Divorce Mediator
Making the difficult decision to end a marriage can be emotionally and financially draining. Whether you are the one to initiate the divorce, it is a mutual decision or your partner makes the request, there is more than one way to proceed. Opting to utilize divorce mediation services can be beneficial in many cases. A divorce mediator acts as a neutral third-party (Qualified Neutral), who can help both parties to resolve disputes and reach a mutually acceptable agreement on multiple issues… Read Full Post
by Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn | May 23, 2018 | Attorney for Divorce Mediation, Divorce Mediation, Divorce Mediator, Family Law & Divorce, LGBT Friendly Law Firm MN, Uncontested Divorce Support
Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn provide excellent, reliable mediation support for divorcing partners. In fact, over the course of her career, Lisa Kallemeyn has established an outstanding reputation as a divorce mediator who works toward the best possible solutions for people who are affected by divorce. Lisa will apply her expertise in Minnesota divorce law and turn this expertise into excellent service for divorcing couples who have learned about the benefits of mediated divorce over traditional court-based processes.
Divorce is among the most difficult and least expected experiences in life. It’s right up there with more familiar sources of stress such as the death of a family member, the loss of one’s job, or an unexpected illness. If you and your spouse have decided to get a divorce or if you are expecting to have to confront the reality of divorce soon, it is important to end your divorce in a way that you can move forward in a healthy and positive way. Read Full Post