Neutral Divorce Mediator MinnesotaMaking the difficult decision to end a marriage can be emotionally and financially draining. Whether you are the one to initiate the divorce, it is a mutual decision or your partner makes the request, there is more than one way to proceed. Opting to utilize divorce mediation services can be beneficial in many cases. A divorce mediator acts as a neutral third-party (Qualified Neutral), who can help both parties to resolve disputes and reach a mutually acceptable agreement on multiple issues. The mediation track for dissolving a marriage can be faster and in many cases it is also less expensive. Spouses can participate in discussions with a divorce mediation specialist at Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn while remaining in control of the pace and process.

Minnesota Divorce Mediation Services

Divorce mediation services can help to dissolve a marriage without litigation and without court. This type of divorce process utilizes the skills and experience of one neutral mediator for both spouses rather than each party being represented by a lawyer. Each party can choose to have their own legal representation or proceed without an attorney.

Minnesota divorce mediation services allow divorcing couples to remain in control of the process as they work together in collaboration with a trained professional. Lisa Kallemeyn provides the best of both worlds due to her grasp of the law as well as training as a fully neutral mediator. She can moderate issues in a way that encourages trust, cooperation and a joint resolution.

Neutral Third Party Mediator

The role of a divorce mediation professional is to remain a Qualified Neutral or neutral third party mediator for couples seeking a divorce. Divorce mediators are not required to be attorneys but it can be very beneficial to work with a divorce or custody mediation specialist with a law background. The legal aspects of child custody and dissolution of marriage can be challenging for a mediator who lacks law school training. Divorce mediators often assist with the decision making process related to complex financial situations, custody arrangements, family issues and division of assets and debts.

Divorce and Custody Mediation Specialist

Lisa Kallemeyn specializes in divorce and custody mediation. Her extensive background as a family law attorney with Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn provides valuable insight into the Minnesota court system. As a Qualified Neutral Mediator under Rule 114 of the Minnesota Rules and Practices, Ms. Kallemeyn provides an excellent option for couples seeking a divorce who also want to maintain control and flexibility in their own case.

Contact Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Law Firm for help with Divorce Mediation. Call (763) 427-5131.