Divorce Mediation Attorney Minneapolis MNIf you are facing divorce proceedings you may not realize the significance of working with a divorce mediation attorney. As a trained Minnesota Mediation Lawyer – Lisa Kalleymeyn can help with Family Mediation. The role of the mediator is to remain neutral. The mediation process can help you to avoid the length and expense of litigation. This approach helps to find private solutions and mutual agreements. Resolutions are created that address the needs of all parties. This type of approach allows communication that creates a more successful path after divorce.

Help With Family Mediation

Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn are qualified as Minnesota Mediation Lawyers. We can help you with family mediation as trained mediators. In the role as mediator, our job is to always remain neutral. We encourage input from both parties and watch the balance of power. There are techniques that we can use to address an imbalance.

Minnesota Mediation Lawyers

Minnesota judges have little time to handle each Dissolution of Marriage case due to cutbacks. The Divorce Mediation process can resolve conflicts with resolutions that are accepted by both parties. This approach can save you months of time waiting for a court date. Personal and peaceful solutions can be reached in much shorter time than with going to court.

Benefits Of Family Mediation:

  • Agreements are reached with cooperation from both parties
  • Mediation process is usually faster than going through the court
  • Help from Minnesota Mediation Lawyers is less expensive than litigation
  • Mediation is more likely to offer a successful path after divorce
  • Solutions can be found that suits needs of both parties

Successful Path After Divorce

Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn can provide Help with Family Mediation. We are experienced Minnesota Mediation Lawyers. Mediation can be a more cost effective and time saving option for Minneapolis, MN couples wanting Dissolution of Marriage. The mediation approach provides a safe and neutral atmosphere to find peaceful solutions that meet the needs of both parties. You can move forward with a Successful Path After Divorce.

Contact Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Law Firm for help with Divorce Mediation. Use our Online Form or Call (763) 427-5131.