Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Think You Don’t Make Enough for a Minnesota Prenup? Think Again!

Minnesota PrenupWhen you hear the term prenup, most people think of wealthy people that have incredibly lavish weddings and make a lot of money. Commonly, you hear about professional athletes, celebrities, doctor’s and other highly paid professionals signing a prenuptial agreement when they get married. Although prenups are popular for the wealthy, they can also be beneficial for couples that do not bring home a lot of money.
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Do You Have An Invalid Prenup In Minnesota?

Family Law Attorney Lisa KallemeynBefore they get married, some couples agree to a prenuptial agreement regarding specific issues like finances and property. Many people feel that this is a fair way to start a marriage. This way, if something goes wrong with the marriage and a divorce occurs, both parties involved are already at an agreement on how property and finances should be divided. This in turn tends to lower the amount of conflict during a divorce because some of the issues were resolved before the marriage even began. If you have a prenup, and you live in Minnesota, have you checked to see if it is valid? If you are not sure, your best bet is to reach out to Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, PLLC, experienced family law attorneys that take pride in ensuring that your prenup meets the legal requirements. Read More →