Child-Focused Custody and Parenting Time AgreementThe Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Law Firm offers not just expert divorce mediation and family law services, but can help you draft and develop child-focused custody and parenting time agreements. If you are at any stage of the divorce process and you have children, you already realize that they will be affected by the changes occurring as a result of your divorce. To minimize the impact of those changes, you will need the help of an advocate who will work to ensure the well-being of your children. Our team can help you in a number of ways and when it comes to helping you resolve your divorce in a way that protects your children, we stand out because of our commitment to making our processes child-focused.

Developing a Custody and Parenting Time Agreement

As you navigate the divorce process, you will likely spend time identifying the most effective ways to manage the time that you and your soon to be ex-spouse spend with your children. You will want to consider whether joint legal custody will work for your situation, or whether you may need to seek sole legal custody. The court is always focused on approving a plan that has the best interests of the children in mind. Helping families find agreement on parenting time is one of many services offered by Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, and we can provide support and relief from the stress that determining a child custody agreement can cause.

The team at Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn approach the Parenting Time Agreement this way:

1. We work to understand the nature of your relationship with the spouse you are divorcing.
2. We gain greater understanding of your family dynamic, including relationships with your children as well as members of your extended family.
3. With that understanding, we can help you make a binding decision about parenting time. The information you provide helps to determine the amount of time each parent will spend with their children.

Navigate your Divorce Putting your Kids First

Most parents are devoted to the well-being of their children, and they want to spend as much time with them as possible after divorce. We lend our experience and expertise to identifying the best possible visitation schedule for all involved. Creating a schedule that works for both parents can be very difficult. Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn can help you resolve differences with your former spouse so that each of you is satisfied with the amount of time you get to spend with your kids.

Before the development of the process, divorced couples had little choice but to allow the courts to decide how visitation would take shape. But now that process is well established. You have access to experts in the field who can provide reassurance that your children will be of primary importance. That is what we mean when we say that we approach Parenting Time Agreements from a child-focused perspective. For more information, call us at 763-427-5131 or email