A relatively new book, titled Broken Circle- Children of Divorce and Separation, by Karen Klein, who graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Master’s Degree in Fine Arts, has written and provided the photographs for young adults who talk about their experience with their parents’ divorce/separation.  The link to its purchase can be found at //www.amazon.com/Broken-Circle-Children-Divorce-Separation/dp/1492892254/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1389884855&sr=1-1&keywords=broken+circle+children+of+divorce+and+separation.  The book is beautifully photographed and lets the young adults speak in their own words about their experiences.

This book does not have an agenda of disrespecting separating parents, but rather gives many perspectives from young adults about growing up with separating/separated parents.  Some view the separation as good, others do not.  In any event, it is a good reminder to parents that their actions impact their children’s lives far beyond preteen and adolescent years.

This is a good book for family law attorneys to review and for mediators to consider having around so that parents can gain this perspective.  Mediation works much better if parents’ goals are aligned to lessen the negative impact of their separation on their children.