by Minnesota Law Team | Nov 4, 2015 | Child Custody MN, Family Law & Divorce
Child custody issues are some of the most difficult and complex in the entire divorce process. There are many factors that are taken into account and, of course, many emotions from all parties about what is best. The overarching rule that should guide the entire process is determining what is in the best interest of the minor(s). Read Full Post
by Minnesota Law Team | Aug 2, 2015 | Child Custody MN, Family Law & Divorce, Minnesota Law Firm
When a couple decides to separate or divorce, it’s unfortunate for both parties. While divorce may have been the right decision for both of you as a couple, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t others that are grieving about the decision. Being a child of divorce is tough, not only on the child but on the relationships that he or she has with both parents.
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by Minnesota Law Team | Jul 21, 2015 | Child Custody MN, Minnesota Law Firm
The complex issue of what to do with frozen embryos once you no longer wish to keep them is a new moral and legal dilemma in our country. Fertility clinics help couples freeze additional embryos, in the event that they are needed in the fertility process. But, the number of frozen embryos has grown significantly over…
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