Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Minnesota Family Law And Property Division During Divorce

Legal Representation MNDuring a divorce, marital property will be divided up in a fair and equitable way according to Minnesota Law. There are a few intricacies of Property Division When Divorcing that demand the attention of a qualified and experienced Family Law Attorney like Lisa Kallemeyn. At Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn in Coon Rapids MN, we have extensive experience in helping divorcing parties to divide marital assets in a manner that allows you to move on with your life more easily. Read Full Post

Family Law Mediation

In Minnesota, family law mediation is becoming a very popular and effective option for navigating the divorce process.  Only just a few years ago, proceeding through the traditional court system was a divorcing couple’s only real option for settling a divorce.  Mediation now offers an alternative that can cost less and minimize the time (and energy) that is spent finalizing the divorce.  Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn of Coon Rapids, MN has a family law mediator on staff who can help you and your partner find resolution on such issues as child custody, child support and distribution of property including assets and debts.  Lisa Kallemeyn has more than 20 years of experience as a Qualified Neutral under Rule 114 of the MN Rules of Practice and has worked closely with clients in the Coon Rapids, Anoka, Blaine, Andover and Ham Lake areas. Read Full Post