by Minnesota Law Team | Sep 17, 2015 | LGBT Friendly Law Firm MN
Since the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality in the United States the focus is now shifting to other Legal Issues faced by the LGBT community. Many gay rights supporters feared that Marriage Equality would never happen. Members of the LGBT community are still faced with several legal issues that are yet to be addressed. Competent legal representation is needed on issues such as Violence, Health Care, Economics and Workplace Discrimination. Read Full Post
by Minnesota Law Team | Jul 16, 2015 | Family Law & Divorce, LGBT Friendly Law Firm MN, Minnesota Law Firm
2015 has been a historic year for same-sex marriage equality. With the recent Supreme Court ruling, marriage equality is now a reality for millions of same-sex couples in our country including right here in Minnesota. This ruling is a huge moral victory for many who have been fighting for equal rights, and means tangible legal changes as well.
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