Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Grandparent’s Rights and Wrongs

Grandparents Rights MNWithin many families, grandparents play a key role in raising children. These built in babysitters come to the rescue when you and your spouse need a break from the kids or are in need of coverage so that you can go to a scheduled event. This gives many parents comfort knowing that their children are in great hands. Simply put, however, you as parents should always feel in control of decisions surrounding your kids. Read Full Post

How Facebook Can Affect Child Custody

Legal Representation MNFacebook and other social media outlets have changed our culture, how we communicate and get information. No longer do we have to wait to learn about the latest news or entertainment story. We also do not have to wait to see pictures of a family member’s birthday or graduation, even if they lives thousands of miles away. What is the downside of the potential for immediate communication 24/7 and pictures documenting every moment? Read Full Post

Family Law and Divorce Attorney Coon Rapids MN

Minnesota Family Law AttorneyWe have all heard the statistic–50% of marriages end in divorce. This statistic is actually just a bit off, if you look closely at the research on divorce, you will find that this number is slightly below 50% for first marriages and slightly higher for second or third marriages. However, there is no debate about the fact that divorces are complicated, emotional and sometimes extremely difficult for both parties. In addition to grieving the loss of your marriage, you and your spouse must make decisions about dividing…
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Minnesota Family Law and Domestic Abuse

Family Law and Domestic Abuse MinnesotaSome of the most difficult types of cases as a family law practitioner are ones in which you represent either the victim or the perpetrator of domestic abuse. One of the reasons this is difficult is because the communication about such a painful part of a client’s life is hard to talk openly about. But, our commitment to family law and to providing strong representation to our clients means that we will encounter these situations periodically…
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