Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Determining Factors for Child Support

Child Support MNOne of the most contentious parts of a divorce is determining child support. If you are at the beginning of this process, you may have questions about how child support amounts are determined and what you should expect as a part of this process. Here is some basic information to get you started. Read Full Post

Divorce Mediation Services in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN

Minneapolis Divorce MediationDivorce mediation is a very effective method of sorting out all of the necessary issues related to a divorce. However, it is sometimes overlooked as divorcing couples rush into fighting it out in court. It is very common for a divorce to stir up many emotions for both parties, making it difficult to agree on the terms of the separation.
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Child Custody Rights

Family Law MNGoing through a divorce is extremely difficult, and when the two of you are parents, this makes it even more difficult. Determining who has custody, or working out joint legal custody is often what creates the most tension between divorcing couples.

Under Minnesota law, there are two types of child custody, legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody is defined as “the right to make decisions about how to raise the child, including decisions about education, health care, and religious training.” Physical custody is defined as “the right to make decisions about the routine day-to-day activities of the child and where the child lives.” Read Full Post

Child Support Attorney

Divorce/Family Law FirmChild support cases can be extremely difficult to make it through on your own, especially when you factor in the emotional and mental challenges of a divorce or separation and the potential damage an ugly court case can cause to a child. At Kallemeyn and Kallemeyn, we have years of experience helping to resolve child support issues in and outside of court, helping create reasonable and legally fair child support agreements. If you are in need of a child support attorney for legal representation in court or to help you settle a child support case before it goes to court, we can provide you with Anoka County child support attorney aid, including in Anoka, Coon Rapids, Blaine, Ham Lake and Andover, Minnesota. Read Full Post

Child Support Laws in Minnesota

Child Support LawsThe law firm of Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn is an excellent source of support for you if you have made the decision to seek a divorce from your spouse.  If you have children together, Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn have the depth of experience and expertise in matters of divorce to help you feel hopeful and capable of moving on with your life.  Even more important, Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn can help you and your parenting partner do what is in the best interests of your child or children, specifically as it relates to child support and child custody.

Most people agree that children deserve to be protected from the worst aspects of divorce—the fighting, the contempt, the disdain that can often be present between the members of a divorcing couple.  Children absorb a great deal of the negativity and stress that can be created in adult relationships, even when they do not have the intellectual capacity to understand it.  And lacking the psychological resiliency to respond to it, children absorb their parents’ negativity and create potentially harmful habits for dealing with conflict in their own lives. Read Full Post