Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Child Custody Rights in MN

Divorce/Family Law Firm When a couple that has children decides to get a divorce, one of the biggest sources of stress is how to determine a child custody arrangement that works for all involved. The court system is always going to look at what is best for the children in the family and will work to find a solution that gives the children the best chance at a healthy, stable and positive environment. A family lawyer and/or a divorce mediator can help families explore child custody options that might work best for their unique situation. Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn specializes in family law and has helped many families in the Coon Rapids, MN area find common ground and the best path forward for families struggling to navigate a divorce. Read Full Post

Minnesota Divorce Lawyer

Divorce Lawyer MinnesotaDivorce is among the biggest stressors of modern life. There are very good reasons that divorce appears on the Greatest Stresses of Life lists that include loss of job and death of loved ones. Divorce is always difficult, and not solely when there is great contention between the divorcing parties. Divorce is stressful when the finality of legal separation is amicable. Read Full Post

The Lost Rights of Divorced Parents

Divorced Mediation MNDivorces this day in age are at an all time high. Studies have found that nearly half of first marriages end in a divorce. This far exceeds the amount of divorces that occurred back when legal rights surrounding a divorce were originally developed. In the beginning, a divorce was dealt with extreme anger from both parties and separate parenting beliefs. Typically, one parent was granted full custody and the other parent became just an acquaintance to the children. Times have changed…
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