Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Contested Will Attorney MN

The aftermath after a loved one’s death is filled with emotion — sadness, grief, shock and sometimes even anger and contention.  Soon after the death, loved ones learn how the estate of the deceased will be distributed and this can cause many hard feelings and disappointment.  Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn of Coon Rapids, MN can handle a case in which a will is contested, but perhaps more importantly, our team can also review a will when it is being created and ensure that it cannot be contested.  Now is a great time to work on your will and make sure that there is no chance that it will be contested after you are gone. Read Full Post

Contested Divorce

Anoka County LawyerWe all know that going through a divorce is difficult, even in the best of situations when both parties are parting ways amicably.  But, the situation can grow even harder in less than ideal situations, when the couple cannot resolve one or more important issues that must be solved in order to complete the divorce process.  There are situations in which even when lawyers are involved in the process, resolution cannot be found.  This situation is called a contested divorce.  In the state of Minnesota, a divorce is considered contested even if there is only one single issue that the couple cannot agree on.  Lisa Kallemeyn of Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn has been working with clients who are going through divorce in the Coon Rapids, MN area for more than 20 years. She brings a wealth of experience and knowledge about the divorce process and can provide support, insight, legal advice and help finding solutions to even the most difficult issues. Read Full Post