Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Divorce Mediation in St. Paul MN

St Paul Divorce MediationSo you and your spouse have decided that it’s time to get a divorce. What once was a happy union has turned into something that is no longer wanted or enjoyed. There are so many reasons that people get divorced these days. Whether you are unhappy in your marriage or you have grown apart, there are millions of other people in the same position. While it is not uncommon to get divorced these days, the price for a courtroom battle is still just as steep as ever. Read Full Post

Minnesota Family Law Mediator

Family Law Mediation MNIf you are going through the divorce process, you know that there are countless issues that come up every single day that have to be thought through and even negotiated with your ex-spouse. When tensions are high, even small issues can turn into major conflict. Mediation can be a highly effective tool used during the divorce process that can help resolve major issues, minor issues… Read Full Post

Divorce Mediation Services MN

Divorce Mediation Services MNDivorce mediation is a highly effective tool for navigating the difficult waters of a divorce. This method for settling a divorce has become much more popular as a first choice for many divorcing couples when they realize that mediation can take less time, cost less and give more power and control over the outcome to the couple, rather than to the court system. Partnering with an experienced divorce mediator can be critical to the success of the process. Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn is a law firm in Coon Rapids, MN, that specializes in providing divorce mediation services to local couples that are looking to find solutions to areas of conflict that arise during a divorce settlement. Read Full Post