Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Estate Planning & Will | Minnesota Legal Forms

Estate Planning LawyerCreating a will does not have to be a stressful experience. Estate planning and will creation are necessary processes that outline your wishes for how you would like your children cared for and your estate (assets) dispersed in the event of your death.  It is tempting to put this process off, especially if you are young and in good health, but this is never a good idea.  Estate planning and will creation is easier than ever and partnering with an experienced estate lawyer can make it quick and painless.  Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn is a Minnesota Estate Planning Attorney based in the Coon Rapids area.  Our team understands that thinking about your estate may evoke stress in some individuals and we have worked to make the process simple, easy and fast. Read Full Post

Revocable Living Trust Creation Minnesota

Estate Planning Attorney MNA Living Trust is a vehicle that can be very useful in certain estate planning situations. The trust is created and functions while the individual is living. A Testamentary Trust is created after your death. An experienced Minnesota Estate Planning Lawyer can help you to determine if a Revocable Living Trust is right for your individual situation. For many Minnesotans, a living trust can help to avoid probate or reduce estate taxes. Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn have expertise in the benefits and possible drawbacks with establishing a Revocable Trust. Read More →

Estate Planning Minnesota

Estate Planning MNEstate Planning may seem like a daunting and expensive task but with the help of a Licensed Minnesota Attorney the process can be pleasant and empowering. You may think of it as an everlasting gift that you can give to your family. By having your estate in order you will also have the peace of mind that your wishes will be followed.