by Minnesota Law Team | Jun 10, 2017 | Divorce Attorney, Family Law & Divorce, Spousal Maintenance
Spousal maintenance is an amount of money provided from one spouse to another as a result of a separation of divorce. This is generally done because there is an imbalance between the incomes of the two spouses and an effort is made to preserve the standard of living of the spouse who makes less money. Spousal maintenance is also commonly called alimony.
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by Minnesota Law Team | Jan 28, 2016 | Divorce Attorney, Family Law & Divorce, General Law, Minnesota Law Firm
Divorce is among the five most stressful things that you can go through in your lifetime, among rivaling the death of a close family member, major illness, job loss and moving. Divorce is not something that you seek, in fact, it may be the last place you expected. So, if you and your partner have decided to end your marriage, you may be overwhelmed with all emotional, logistical and legal issues to sort through. It is important that you take steps during the divorce process to minimize the overall impact, stress and damage that divorce can have on you, your ex-spouse and your children. Read Full Post
by Minnesota Law Team | Sep 29, 2015 | Divorce Attorney, Family Law & Divorce, Minnesota Law Firm
If you and your spouse have reached the boiling point of your marriage, you will want to consider your options on how to file for divorce. Sure, you can try filing on your own, however by doing it yourself, you may run into some tough obstacles along the way that may not make it worth going through on your own. Instead, if you live in the Minnesota area, consider partnering with Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, PLLC. Serving as your Minnesota divorce attorney, we can walk with you every step of the way… Read Full Post
by Minnesota Law Team | Feb 3, 2015 | Divorce Attorney, Family Law & Divorce
Just the word “Divorce” can send chills down your spine. You hear of divorce situations that have gotten ugly and end in hostility towards the other party. Having sound legal representation can make the entire process proceed more smoothly. This is especially important when the marriage involves children, property or pets.