Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Minnesota Family Law Mediator

Family Law Mediation MNIf you are going through the divorce process, you know that there are countless issues that come up every single day that have to be thought through and even negotiated with your ex-spouse. When tensions are high, even small issues can turn into major conflict. Mediation can be a highly effective tool used during the divorce process that can help resolve major issues, minor issues… Read Full Post

Step Child Adoption MN

Blended families are extremely common in Minnesota and the rest of the country. After a divorce, each individual naturally begins their new life and this often means that they meet someone who they wish to re-marry. When children are in the picture and custody arrangements are involved, however, things can be complicated quickly, especially when a step-parent wants to adopt a their husband or wife’s child. Read Full Post

Real Estate Attorney Anoka County

Real Estate Lawyer MNDo you understand all of the complicated Minnesota Real Estate and Property Laws? Entering into a long-term legal contract such a home mortgage or commercial lease agreement without competent legal advice can be risky business. A local, experienced Real Estate Attorney can help you to navigate the legal terms like a pro. Read Full Post

Contested Will Minnesota Attorney

Contested Will Attorney MNFor many individuals, writing a will is the most appropriate option to allow them to express their wishes about the distribution of assets. In more complex estates or when special circumstances apply, a comprehensive estate plan may include a variety of instruments, including powers of attorney, a living will, trusts and a pour-over will.

There are many times people feel upset about the way a Will has been written, and this usually occurs when someone is unhappy with the way an estate is to be paid out under a Will. Not just anyone can contest a Will, for example you cannot be a concerned friend that decides to contest a Will, you have to be a part of an interested party, meaning you would have inherited from our loved one if there was no will or you are a beneficiary of the will. Read Full Post

Child Custody in MN

Child Custody Lawyer AndoverChild Custody can be a complicated trial for the two separated parties of a child. With patience and understanding, we here at Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, PLLC are more than willing to break child custody rights down into understandable terms to accommodate every party’s individual situation.

“Legal custody” of a child has the right to regulate a child’s upbringing, including the child’s health care insurance, religious practices, and education. Make it a priority between you and your ex-wife or husband to not exclude one another from the decision-making process. When you exclude the other party involved, they can and will take you back to court. Avoid court because it is time consuming and expensive. Read Full Post

Minnesota Paternity Law

Legal Father“Paternity” is defined as the “legal” father of a child. As the legal father, he is obliged to financially support that child until the child reaches adulthood at the age of eighteen. In some cases, the father may have to request a court appearance to schedule parenting time and custody of the child.

In the state of Minnesota, when the child is born and the father is present during the birth, it is at that time, both parents will have signed a Recognition of Parentage. Recognition of Parentage establishes paternity for the purposes of child support. Unless ordered by the Court, the father has no legal binding rights to that child. When a parenting plan is reached between the two parents, it is then in the hands of the Court until the agreement is apart of the Court order. Read Full Post

Divorce Lawyer That Mediates

Divorce MediatorIf you and your partner have decided to move forward with a divorce, you may wonder what your options are for settling important (and difficult) issues such as division of assets, property and debt, child and spousal support payments and the development of a fair and reasonable child custody arrangement. Most couples explore the two most common options for settling a divorce and decide which best meets their needs. The court system is the traditional mechanism for settling divorce and is particularly useful if conflict is high and compromise is unlikely. Mediation is an alternative and highly effective method that can work for couples who are able to solve some problems on their own and do not want to spend significant time and resources on a court battle. The law firm of Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn offers couples in the Coon Rapids, Ham Lake, Anoka and Andover, MN both options for settling a divorce. Read Full Post

Probate Attorney Serving Anoka County

Planning for your loved ones in the event of your death is never fun. In fact, it is very easy to push it off for later — but, the fact is, leaving written documentation of your wishes for property and asset distribution is extremely important to make things easier in the event of your untimely death. Probate law is the legal process that takes place after someone dies. It generally includes the following steps: Read Full Post

Probate Lawyer Anoka County MN

Anoka County LawyerThe loss of a loved one is a difficult time. Whether the death is expected or a shock, there are many details that a family is left to manage during a very difficult time. Family and loved ones must be notified, funeral arrangements need to be made in a very short time. And, after things settle down, the family must deal with more logistical issues like moving belongings from the home and settling the legal process, probate and distribution of assets and payment of debts. This can be a complicated process at a very emotional time. Partnering with a law firm with experience in probate law can go a long way in reducing stress during this time and ensuring that all aspects of the estate are appropriately taken care of. Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn serves the communities of Anoka, Blaine, Andover, Ham Lake, Champlin, Coon Rapids, MN and specializes in all aspects of probate law. Read Full Post