Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn Legal Posts

Unmarried Fathers Rights in Minnesota

Do Dads have the same rights in MN if we were not married?If you are part of a non-married family in Minnesota and are faced with the possibility of separation, you likely have many questions about the process, especially if you share children. Many of the questions you have may center around your custody rights. Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn is a law firm that helps families sort out issues of family and divorce law. One of the more common questions our legal team receives is about father’s rights if a couple is unmarried. If you are a dad looking for an Attorney to help you establish your rights to you child or children and help with child custody, child support or visitation Read Full Post

Child Custody Mediation

Child Custody MediationWhether you’re a divorcing couple or an unmarried couple who’s separating, debates over child custody can seem endless and daunting. No one wants to consider losing time with their child, but for many couples, the best solution truly is to separate, leaving no choice but to share parenting time. So how can you come to an agreement that’s legally equitable and feels fair to both parties, as well as to your child? Often times, couples feel they need to battle in court to get the most amount of time with their child as possible. This method is neither healthy for the child nor conducive to a good relationship between two parents. Instead, we recommend seeking help from a child custody mediator. At Kallemeyn and Kallemeyn, we’re child custody experts who have been practicing family law for years, helping solve custody issues all over Minnesota, including the Twin Cities and northern suburbs. Read Full Post

Uncontested Divorce Support Minnesota

Not all divorces involve anger and disagreements between the two spouses. There are some cases where there are no disagreements between the involved parties. Everyone is on the same page surrounding details around the divorce including child custody, division of property and debt, spousal support, etc. This type of divorce is known as an uncontested divorce. It is recommended that you seek legal advice even with an uncontested divorce. If you are in the Minnesota area, there is no better partner than our dedicated legal team at Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, PLLC. Uncontested Divorce Support Minnesota Read Full Post

In Minnesota At What Age Can A Child Choose Which Parent To Live With?

Resolve Child Custody Issues, MNChild custody issues are some of the most complex and difficult to sort out during and after a divorce. Parents must face the new reality that they will not see their kids as much as when the entire family lived together and this is difficult. Child custody issues do not end once the divorce papers are finalized. In fact, as children age, they begin to have their own opinions about who they spend their time with. This can create further conflict, hard feelings and strain on the relationships. Read Full Post

Divorce Mediation In Minnesota

Coon Rapids Divorce MediatorDivorces are one of the most challenging aspects of family law. When you’re going through a divorce, whether it’s contentious or not, it’s stressful, emotionally draining, and can be financially taxing. Adding to all of that, there is almost always disagreement between divorcing parties over who gets what or who pays how much for alimony or who gets to see the children when. Don’t be alarmed by how many questions your divorce will force you to answer; there is a way to reach a divorce agreement without the conflict, time, money, and stress of a courtroom divorce. With divorce mediation, you can avoid many of the harrowing aspects of divorce and reach a simple agreement to put an end to your marriage. If that sounds like the better alternative to battling through your divorce, Kallemeyn and Kallemeyn is here to help. As divorce mediation professionals for Coon Rapids, Anoka, Blaine, Andover, and Ham Lake, MN, and serving the entire Twin Cities area, we want to help make your divorce as smooth as possible. Read Full Post