by Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn | Jan 10, 2018 | Attorney for Divorce Mediation, Divorce Attorney, Family Law & Divorce, Family Law Attorney, LGBT Friendly Law Firm MN
If you have decided to pursue mediation to settle your impending divorce, you have the option to hire a mediated divorce attorney to guide you through some of the legal aspects of a mediated divorce. Over the last decade, mediation has become a very common way to settle all aspects of divorce including division of property, assets and debt, child custody and determination of child support. As a result, the role of an attorney has changed; a mediated divorce attorney is not a requirement of mediation but can help if you want support and guidance to be sure that the Court’s requirements are met so that the agreement will be accepted without issue by the Court. Read Full Post
by Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn | Oct 24, 2017 | Attorney for Divorce Mediation, Child Custody MN, Child Support, Divorce Attorney, Family Law & Divorce, Family Law Attorney, LGBT Friendly Law Firm MN
Court battles are long, expensive, emotionally taxing and generally tend to increase the adversarial nature of any conflict. And, issues that come up in family law cases are already extremely emotionally charged for all involved, meaning that court battles can become even more contentious and divisive. More and more families are turning to mediation as a tool to solve issues such as divorce, child custody issues, child support, division of property, grandparents rights and other family law cases. Lisa Kallemeyn, of Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, is an experienced mediator and a Qualified Neutral under Rule 114 of the MN Rules of Practice. She can help you and your family sort out all types of difficult issues and find common ground and resolution that allows all of you to move forward in a positive and healthy way. Read Full Post
by Minnesota Law Team | Aug 17, 2017 | General Law
If you are going through the divorce process, you know that there are countless issues that come up every single day that have to be thought through and even negotiated with your ex-spouse. When tensions are high, even small issues can turn into major conflict. Mediation can be a highly effective tool used during the divorce process that can help resolve major issues, minor issues… Read Full Post
by Minnesota Law Team | Dec 5, 2015 | Attorney for Divorce Mediation, Child Custody MN, Family Law & Divorce, Minnesota Law Firm
The holidays mean very different things to different people and this can depend greatly on your current family dynamic. If you are in the process of a divorce and have children, this may prove to be an extremely stressful holiday season. You may be grieving the loss of your marriage and it may be the first time that your children spend the holidays in separate places, which can be difficult for them and for you. Read Full Post
by Minnesota Law Team | Jul 3, 2015 | General Law
When you and your spouse decide to get a divorce, it can be a life altering, whirlwind of a decision. Not only is it an emotional rollercoaster when making the decision to separate and divorce, it can be a frightening thought about what the future may hold. Using a divorce attorney to battle things out in the courtroom may work for some people, but at Kallemeyn & Kallemeyn, we want to give you a better opportunity to take control of your own future.
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